
Showing posts from August, 2021

My Path to Obtaining an AWS Solution Architect Associate Certificate

  Let me tell you a tale about how I earned my AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification. It all started at my yearly performance assessment one day. My supervisor advised that I acquire an AWS certificate because I was beginning to start with cloud computing using AWS. I reluctantly consented and then, being the master procrastinator that I am, stored it away indefinitely until the appropriate time. "Why should I even bother?" was the actual question. Why, exactly? I won't spend your time with the typical jargon. You've probably heard it all before. Aside from all of that, the actual reason is that, as surprising as it may sound, you may learn valuable, helpful things. I understood very little about AWS networking: VPCs, Subnets, security groups, and so on, as well as EC2, a view I believe is held by many serverless-focused individuals. I was able to advise my coworkers on how to build together a VPC with public and private facing Subnets and servers